
Indonesia-Chile Chamber of Commerce and Culture: Weekly News Report

September has been a significant month for both Chilean and Indonesian business and commerce, with a series of noteworthy events and achievements that have taken place in both countries.

In Chile, the Agriculture and Livestock Service of Biobío (SAG Biobío) held a meeting with representatives of blueberry exporting plants, reinforcing the country's commitment to agricultural exports. Additionally, the National Customs Service's Chemical Laboratory has recently achieved accreditation in the area of lithium products, a first in Chile. This accreditation, granted by the National Institute of Standardization (INN), strengthens the supervisory capacities of non-metallic mining exports.

Chile's foreign trade marked a new milestone this month, accumulating shipments valued at US$ 41.392 billion between January and mid-September, the highest level in history. This surpasses the previous record of US$ 40.573.9 billion totalized in 2005. The significant increase in copper prices, which have averaged US$ 2.98 per pound on the London Metal Exchange so far this year, largely contributed to this achievement.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the East Java Multipurpose Terminal (EJMT), a business unit of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) in Lamongan Regency, received two new post-Panamax mobile harbor cranes ESP.8 from Konecranes Gottwald. The new equipment will assist EJMT in handling bulk, project, and container cargo once the terminal begins operations in September.

Lastly, the General Director of ProChile has invited participation in the Silvoagricultural Contest 2025. This initiative is in line with the economic trends in the Chilean agricultural market, which must adapt to the challenges posed by climate change to maintain its position on the global stage. With its unique climatic conditions and rich agricultural heritage, Chile is one of the world's leading exporters of various products.

  • SAG Biobío se reunió con representantes de plantas exportadoras de arándanos | La Tribuna (
  • Chile: Laboratorio Químico de Aduanas alcanza acreditación en área de productos de litio - PortalPortuario (
  • Indonesia: East Java Multipurpose Terminal recibe nuevas grúas post-Panamax - PortalPortuario (
  • Director General de ProChile invita a participar en Concurso Silvoagropecuario 2025 (
  • Exportaciones alcanzan el nivel más alto de la historia - AQUA (
  • Tendencias económicas en el mercado agrícola chileno (

Chile-Indonesia Trade and Agriculture News: Blueberry Workshop, Copper Foundry Investment, Tariff Reduction, and More

The Chilean-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Culture highlights several key developments in bilateral trade, agriculture, and mining sectors between Chile and Indonesia this week.

The Chilean Blueberry Committee is set to organize a Technical Workshop titled "Efficiency in nutrition and irrigation during post-harvest" on March 27, 2024, at Agrícola Sauerburger. The workshop, which will feature a presentation by José Ignacio Covarrubias, aims to improve post-harvest practices in the blueberry industry.

On the mining front, Adani's copper foundry is set to require Chilean concentrates as part of its US$1.2 billion investment. This development is expected to boost Chile's copper exports and strengthen the bilateral trade relationship between Chile and Indonesia.

Furthermore, India's decision to reduce import duties on Chilean blueberries has been warmly welcomed by Chilean exporters. This move is anticipated to spur Chilean blueberry exports and contribute to the growth of the country's fruit industry.

Meanwhile, the total exports from Biobío have grown by 1.7% in 2023, despite a national decrease of 3.7%. This growth underscores the region's resilience and its significant contribution to Chile's economy.

Chile's fruit industry continues to thrive, with fruit-growing hectares reaching 375,600 hectares by the end of 2022. Over the last decade, the industry expanded by over 76,000 hectares, with cherry plantations leading the growth.

Lastly, Chile has made its presence felt at the world's largest mining fair in Canada, seeking investors and promoting its lithium and copper production. Chile's Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, emphasized the country's position as a global leader in mineral reserves and its intent to advance in polymetallic mining through public-private partnerships.

  • Comité de Arándanos de Frutas de Chile invita a Taller Técnico “Eficiencia en la nutrición y riego durante la postcosecha” – Simfruit (
  • Fundición de cobre de Adani de US$ 1.200 millones de inversión requerirá concentrados de Chile (
  • India reduce aranceles a los arándanos chilenos | Artículo (
  • Exportaciones totales del Biobío crecen en 1,7% en 2023, mientras que a nivel nacional disminuyeron en 3,7% | La Tribuna (
  • Chile: Hectáreas frutícolas llegan a 375.600 hectáreas – Simfruit (
  • Chile llega a la mayor feria minera mundial en Canadá para buscar inversionistas y promover el litio y cobre (


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