energy transition

Chilean Economy Flourishes Amidst Global Expansion and Energy Transition, Despite Nickel Setbacks

The Indonesian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to report significant developments in Chile's economic landscape. The Bio Bio region recorded a 14.9% rise in exports in October 2024, amounting to USD 548.7 million, driven primarily by the industrial and silvoagropecuary sectors. The industrial sector alone accounted for USD 541.5 million, a 15.9% increase from October 2023, while the silvoagropecuary sector grew by 29.9% within the same period. However, other export sectors and fishing experienced a downturn.

In a move to further boost the Chilean economy, President Gabriel Boric has enacted the Energy Transition Law aimed at promoting renewable energy and job creation. This strategic move is expected to attract significant investments into the energy sector, subsequently enhancing the quality of life for Chileans.

Chilean salmon has also been making waves globally, expanding its reach to over 100 international markets and recording significant growth in emerging markets. This development reinforces Chile's position as a key player in the global seafood industry.

On the digital front, Chile is poised to take a leap in the digital economy. With all the key enabling factors in place, the country is ready to harness digitalization as a major driver of its economy. The fourth industrial revolution, led by Artificial Intelligence, presents a unique opportunity for Chile to create quality jobs and export opportunities through the digital economy. Achieving this, however, will require synergy between the productive sector, the state, and society.

Despite these promising developments, the mining sector has faced challenges. Nickel hit a four-year low due to the Federal Reserve's unenthusiastic outlook for the coming year, overshadowing potential significant cuts in Indonesian mining.

Lastly, the government has highlighted a peak in cherry shipments to Asia for the Chinese New Year, further showcasing the country's export prowess.

  • Exportaciones de Región del Bio Bio suben 14,9% en octubre - PortalPortuario (
  • Presidente Gabriel Boric promulga Ley de Transición Energética para impulsar renovables y empleo en Chile - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (
  • El salmón chileno amplía su alcance global con crecimiento en mercados emergentes (
  • Chile y la economía digital: es hora de dar el salto (
  • Níquel toca mínimo de cuatro años ante pesimismo de la Fed y posibles recortes mineros en Indonesia - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (
  • Gobierno destaca "peak de envíos de cerezas" a Asia por el Año Nuevo chino | Economía | BioBioChile (


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