
Chilean-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Culture: Weekly News Update

The Chilean-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to bring you the latest updates in the world of commerce and culture between Chile and Indonesia. We have curated the most relevant news items to provide a comprehensive overview of the week's events.

Chile's Mining Education Initiative

Francisco Lecaros, president of the Mining Foundation of Chile, emphasizes that Chile should not only export minerals but also mining knowledge. The Foundation has launched a massive campaign to educate a million people about the importance of mining in their daily lives, offering educational games, maps, and brochures.

India: A Dynamic Market for Chilean Fruit

India emerges as one of the most dynamic markets for Chilean fruit exports, with a 53% increase in the first seven months of this year compared to the same period last year. India is now the fastest-growing market among the top 15 destinations for Chilean exports, according to data from the National Customs Service.

Chilean Agricultural Export Policies

Despite the positive results of agricultural exports, other indicators such as production levels, poverty rates in rural areas, and economic and social inequalities in family farming need to be considered for a comprehensive diagnosis of the national agrarian situation. According to the Central Bank data, the exports from the agricultural, forestry, and fishing sector reached $5.601 billion in the first half of this year, a more than 10% increase from last year.

Chile: Leading Lithium Producer

Chile remains the leading lithium producer in South America and second in the world, behind Australia. In 2023, national production reached 270,947 tons of lithium carbonate equivalent, a 4.3% increase from 2022 and a 120.5% increase from 2020. Production is projected to reach 275,000 and 285,000 tons in 2024 and 2025, respectively.

Salmon Market Continues to Rise

The price of farmed Atlantic salmon from Norway has fallen by 14% since June 2006, but the amounts achieved in August still far exceed those of 2005. Similarly, Chilean salmonids are experiencing a similar situation. The high prices in Europe and Japan have diverted national exports from their traditional market, the United States.

Chile-India Summit 2024

The Chilean Foreign Minister, Alberto van Klaveren, met with the Indian Ambassador to Chile, Abhilasha Joshi, to discuss the upcoming Chile Summit India 2024. This public-private event, organized by ProChile, aims to seek new opportunities in the Asian sector and strengthen ties between the two nations in terms of trade cooperation and initiatives to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.

  • Francisco Lecaros, presidente Fundación Minera: “Chile no solo debe exportar minerales, sino que también minería” - NOSTÁLGICA CL (
  • India se ubica como uno de los mercados más dinámicos para las exportaciones frutícolas chilenas – Simfruit (
  • Exportaciones y políticas agrícolas – El Clarin de Chile (
  • Chile sigue liderando la producción de litio en Sudamérica a la vez que cae valor de las exportaciones – Diario Chañarcillo (
  • Comercialización de salmónidos continua al alza - AQUA (
  • Canciller se reúne con embajadora de la India previo al Chile Summit India 2024 - Minrel (

Lithium Market Fluctuations and International Trade Challenges in Chile: A Weekly Update

The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture presents a summary of the week's most relevant news regarding the economic and commercial landscape in Chile. This includes the lithium market, international relations, and exports.

Chile's Lithium Market
The demand and production of lithium in Chile have experienced a decline, as reported by Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN. This decrease has had a significant impact on the market. However, despite this downturn, a report from the Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) projects a surplus of lithium in the country for the coming years. The report, titled "Lithium Market. Projection 2024 - 2025," covers various aspects such as demand, supply, production, exports, and the price of the mineral.

Chile's International Trade
The Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza, recently addressed the challenges of international trade at the UOH. The talk, titled "Chile and its Trade Policy," aimed to foster open and constructive dialogue about Chile's role in international commerce and the future challenges in exports. Sanhueza emphasized the objectives of the current trade policy and the ongoing agreements.

Chile's Exports to India
On a positive note, Chile's exports to India have seen a 53 percent increase, primarily driven by fruits, manufactures, and mineral products, as reported by Al servicio de la verdad. Key commodities include iodine, molybdenum, cellulose, and food items such as walnuts, apples, and kiwis. This upswing in trade is a testament to the efforts of ProChile, the foreign ministry's institution promoting the country's goods and services globally.

Economic Growth and Competitiveness in Chile
Economist Roberto Darrigrandi, in an interview with PortalPortuario, expressed concern over Chile's economic growth and competitiveness. Darrigrandi stated that Chile has not seen significant growth for the past decade and argued that the country's issues with productivity and competitiveness cannot be blamed on external global incidences. He emphasized the need for internal advancements and innovations, such as digitalization, to stimulate growth.

  • La caída en la demanda y producción de litio en Chile: impacto en el mercado - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (
  • Informe de Cochilco entrega proyecciones en torno al litio en el corto plazo - Mch (
  • Subsecretaria de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales abordó desafíos del comercio internacional en la UOH – G5noticias (
  • Superávit de litio en Chile se mantendrá en los próximos años - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (
  • Aumentan en 53 por ciento exportaciones de Chile a la India – Al servicio de la verdad (
  • Roberto Darrigrandi: "Chile no crece hace diez años y no se puede culpar al mundo exterior" - PortalPortuario (

Chile's Creative Exports on the Rise, Port Infrastructure Investment Essential for Growth

The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to report a promising growth in Chile's non-traditional exports, which include creative fields such as audiovisual services, animation, publishing, video games, design, and music. According to recent figures from ProChile, Chile exported US$ 67.1 million worth of these services and products in 2022, marking a 23.7% increase from 2021.

Moreover, the first seminar focusing on the export potential of the Coquimbo region was successfully held by INACAP La Serena. This event is a testament to the increasing recognition of the region's potential for economic growth and the expansion of trade.

However, the growth of Chile's trade and economy is not without challenges. The creation of the mega-port of Chancay in Peru has raised concerns about the competitiveness of Chile's port infrastructure. The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture believes that this should serve as a catalyst for Chile to invest in modernizing its port infrastructures, aligning them not only with import and export demands but also with the country's status in international trade.

On a different note, ProChile has been actively promoting Chilean products abroad. In collaboration with Big Basket, India's most prominent e-commerce company for food, ProChile launched a promotion campaign for fresh and dehydrated Chilean fruit. The campaign ran from October 29 to November 12, coinciding with Diwali, one of India's most significant festivals.

Lastly, the Cherry Committee of Fruits of Chile, representing over 85% of Chilean cherry exports, has released its second estimate for the 2023-2024 season. The forecast accounts for adverse climatic effects faced by the sector and estimates a total shipment of 81,477,564 boxes (5 kilos each). This volume is 14.6% lower than the Committee's first estimate given in October and slightly lower (-1.89%) than the exports of the previous season (2022-2023).


  • Videojuegos, animaciones y música: las exportaciones creativas de Chile siguen aumentando | Diario Financiero (
  • INACAP La Serena realiza con éxito el primer Seminario enfocado en el Potencial de Exportación de la región de Coquimbo - La Voz del Norte (
  • Competitividad regional, aumento del comercio y crecimiento económico: ¿Por qué Chile debe invertir en su infraestructura portuaria? - Portal Innova (
  • ProChile realizó campaña de promoción fruta fresca y deshidratada chilena en Big Basket de India - Entreprenerd (
  • Comité de Cerezas de Frutas de Chile entrega segunda estimación de la temporada 2023-2024 – Simfruit (


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