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Recent Trade News

Chile Launches 2023-2024 Cherry Export Season and Expands International Presence in Gin Production

The Indonesian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture has the pleasure of announcing the commencement of the 2023-2024 cherry export season at the San Antonio Terminal International (STI), with high expectations for this year's yield. The STI, as the main port of Chile, will see the departure of 15 Cherry Express ships, representing nearly 50% of the total cherries exported from Chilean ports. Mauricio Carrasco, Chairman of the STI board, emphasized the terminal's role in connecting Chilean efforts with the world, ensuring the best possible export conditions for the fruit.

Despite facing climate challenges such as fewer cold hours and spring rains, which primarily affected early varieties like Royal Dawn and Santina, the President of Frutas de Chile, Iván Marambio, expressed optimism for the season. It is estimated that around 81 million boxes of fresh cherries will be shipped worldwide, a slightly lower figure than last year due to these weather conditions.

In another exciting development, Chile is expanding its international presence beyond wine and pisco to include gin. Last Hope Distillery, located in Puerto Natales in Chilean Patagonia, is introducing gin to both Chilean locals and international visitors. The distillery's unique approach was born out of necessity, according to Kiera Shiels, who moved to Chile from Australia with her partner, Matt Oberg, to open the bar.

Furthermore, the Subrei is organizing a seminar to analyze the challenges and opportunities of SMEs and cooperatives in international trade. María Emilia Undurraga, Director of the Office of Studies and Agricultural Policies (Odepa), has invited participants to the Participative Public Account 2019, to review the policies developed and the strategic objectives of the institution.

These exciting developments in Chile's export sector, from cherries to gin, showcase the country's diverse produce and its commitment to fostering international trade relations.

  • STI y Frutas de Chile dan el vamos a la temporada de exportación de cherries 2023-2024 en San Antonio - Publimicro (Publimicro.cl)
  • Proyección internacional: después del vino y el pisco, Chile ahora apuesta al gin (Lavozdelquequen.com.ar)
  • San Antonio Terminal Internacional (STI) dio comienzo a embarques de la Temporada de Cerezas 2023-2024 - MundoMaritimo (Mundomaritimo.cl)
  • Subrei organiza seminario para analizar desafíos y oportunidades de mipymes y cooperativas en el comercio internacional   - ODEPA | Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrarias (Odepa.gob.cl)
  • Frutas de Chile, SAG y STI dan el vamos a la temporada de exportación de cerezas 2023-2024 en San Antonio – Simfruit (Simfruit.cl)
  • SAG, STI y Frutas de Chile dan el vamos a la temporada de exportación de cherries 2023-2024 en San Antonio | SAG (Sag.gob.cl)

Chile's Creative Exports on the Rise, Port Infrastructure Investment Essential for Growth

The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to report a promising growth in Chile's non-traditional exports, which include creative fields such as audiovisual services, animation, publishing, video games, design, and music. According to recent figures from ProChile, Chile exported US$ 67.1 million worth of these services and products in 2022, marking a 23.7% increase from 2021.

Moreover, the first seminar focusing on the export potential of the Coquimbo region was successfully held by INACAP La Serena. This event is a testament to the increasing recognition of the region's potential for economic growth and the expansion of trade.

However, the growth of Chile's trade and economy is not without challenges. The creation of the mega-port of Chancay in Peru has raised concerns about the competitiveness of Chile's port infrastructure. The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture believes that this should serve as a catalyst for Chile to invest in modernizing its port infrastructures, aligning them not only with import and export demands but also with the country's status in international trade.

On a different note, ProChile has been actively promoting Chilean products abroad. In collaboration with Big Basket, India's most prominent e-commerce company for food, ProChile launched a promotion campaign for fresh and dehydrated Chilean fruit. The campaign ran from October 29 to November 12, coinciding with Diwali, one of India's most significant festivals.

Lastly, the Cherry Committee of Fruits of Chile, representing over 85% of Chilean cherry exports, has released its second estimate for the 2023-2024 season. The forecast accounts for adverse climatic effects faced by the sector and estimates a total shipment of 81,477,564 boxes (5 kilos each). This volume is 14.6% lower than the Committee's first estimate given in October and slightly lower (-1.89%) than the exports of the previous season (2022-2023).


  • Videojuegos, animaciones y música: las exportaciones creativas de Chile siguen aumentando | Diario Financiero (Df.cl)
  • INACAP La Serena realiza con éxito el primer Seminario enfocado en el Potencial de Exportación de la región de Coquimbo - La Voz del Norte (Lavozdelnorte.cl)
  • Competitividad regional, aumento del comercio y crecimiento económico: ¿Por qué Chile debe invertir en su infraestructura portuaria? - Portal Innova (Portalinnova.cl)
  • ProChile realizó campaña de promoción fruta fresca y deshidratada chilena en Big Basket de India - Entreprenerd (Entreprenerd.cl)
  • Comité de Cerezas de Frutas de Chile entrega segunda estimación de la temporada 2023-2024 – Simfruit (Simfruit.cl)

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